મંગળવાર, 21 ઑક્ટોબર, 2014

Wallpaper 6233 Nokia


શનિવાર, 9 નવેમ્બર, 2013

Nokia 1202 light solution

Nokia 1202 light solution This is Nokia 1202 light problems solution.Many time may be damage nokia 1202 lcd and keypad light.when damage light part then no light on the phone.lcd light and keypad light connected with series line so problem  any line then no light. How to do this work : first check light positive volt on the capacitor.if you see no voltage on the capacitor then check light ic and coil.damage any parts replace that parts.If 10v or more voltage have on the capacitor but problem then check light ways....

Nokia 1202 light jumper

Nokia 1202 light jumper This is the solution of Nokia 1202 light problem.New I showing How to repair Nokia 1202 light problem Without parts.Only making jumper.please view the below picture and note.You can repair nokia 1202 light without ic. How to do this work : If you have not available light ic, then you can use this solution. If you want to repair nokia 1202 light problem making jumper,you can do this.First remove coil, one led and light ic after that make pink and red color jumper...

Nokia 1202 mic solution

Nokia 1202 mic solution This is nokia 1202 mic solution.May be damage on mic nokia 1202 phone.When damage mic part then may be poor mic sound ,bad mic sound or no sound.If you repair this problem following to the below picture. How to do this work : Look at the picture this is mic ways.if you face mic problem of nokia 12002 phone.Replace mic at first and check.if problem still then check this ways...

Nokia 1202 test mode

Nokia 1202 test mode Test mode is one of the problem of nokia 1202 phone.Maximum time this problem may be water damage.But it repair very simple.Any repairer csn be repair this problem very simple.Now showing how to repair it. How to do this work : Step one wash full pcb goodly and hit with stan light at 10 Minuit after that open your phone and see result. If problem still then remove red mark parts. 1 comment: Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to Facebook Nokia 1202 ringer solution Nokia 1202 ringer problem solution is very simple.Now I share how to repair nokia 1202 ringer problem.I apply this solution many. time in many phone.So it is very useful post, view...

Nokia 1202 Insert sim

Nokia 1202 Insert sim solution One day a mobile phone repairer call me for nokia 1202 phones insert sim problem.He said there are All solution of nokia 1202.But 1202 insert sim solution is not found.then I check this site  And I saw really there are not found Nokia 1202 insert sim solution.He request me for nokia 1202 insert sim solution.Then I post this solution.   1st solution   How to do this work : It's repair very easy, If your phone has this problem then first check sim line ways if you see anything wrong then repair that flout.If you see they are ok but problem still then re-hot or replace sim ic. If the solution is not complete then just make this jumper.If 1st solution is not work then you...

Nokia 1202 ear speaker problem solution

Nokia 1202 ear speaker problem solution Ear speaker is important for every cell phone when damage ear speaker then ear speaker is not work or low sound or bad noise. Now I post here nokia 1202 ear speaker solution   How to do this work : This red mark ic is one kind of switching ic.This ic just connect with ear speaker and loud speaker.When phone calling with normal mode sound then work ear only speaker when you active loud mode then working loud speaker.So when ear speaker not work then replace this ic. ...

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